
Wednesday 10 August 2011

Waiting on Wednesday #35

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.  Head on over there to take part or to check out all the other fabulous books that people are looking forward to reading! 
Dark Parties by Sara Grant
Published by Indigo on 20th October 2011

Sixteen-year-old Neva has been trapped since birth. She was born and raised under the Protectosphere, in an isolated nation ruled by fear, lies, and xenophobia. A shield "protects" them from the outside world, but also locks the citizens inside. But there's nothing left on the outside, ever since the world collapsed from violent warfare. Or so the government says...

Neva and her best friend Sanna believe the government is lying and stage a "dark party" to recruit members for their underground rebellion. But as Neva begins to uncover the truth, she realizes she must question everything she's ever known, including the people she loves the most.

This book looks awesome!  It's one of the releases lined up for new YA imprint Indigo.  The cover is gorgeous and the story sounds really intriguing.  There are lots of other exciting books being published by Indigo from September so look out for more news about this soon. 

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Thank you for leaving me a comment. I love reading them!