Tuesday 20 December 2011

Trailer: This is Not Forgiveness - Celia Rees

'This is Not Forgiveness' is unlike anything else you might have previously read by Celia Rees. The subject matter is a complete change of direction for Rees who is usually known for her wonderful historical fiction. It's published by Bloomsbury on 2nd February 2012 and is definitely one to check out. 

Everyone says that Caro is bad ...but Jamie can't help himself. He thinks of her night and day and can't believe that she wants to be his girlfriend. Gorgeous, impulsive and unconventional, she is totally different to all the other girls he knows. His sister, Martha, hates her. Jamie doesn't know why, but there's no way he's going to take any notice of her warnings to stay away from Caro. But as Jamie falls deeper and deeper under her spell, he realises there is more to Caro - much more. There are the times when she disappears and doesn't get in touch, the small scars on her wrists, her talk about revolutions and taking action, not to mention the rumours he hears about the other men in her life.

And then always in the background there is Rob, Jamie's older brother, back from Afghanistan and traumatised after having his leg smashed to bits there. Jamie wants to help him, but Rob seems to be living in a world of his own and is increasingly difficult to reach. With Caro, the summer should have been perfect ...but that isn't how things work out in real life, and Jamie is going to find out the hard way.

1 comment:

  1. WOW looks so good and really different from all her other work. I have got to check this out


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